The highest treason, the meanest treason, is to deny the holiness of this little blue planet on which we journey through the cold void of space.
-Ed Abbey

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kayaking the Merced, pre-JMT goodness

     Big thanks to Bill Tuthill for meeting us in the Valley with some spare boats to run the Merced.  Super mellow and eye popping.  This was quite a way to see the valley floor before heading to the high country.  It was also a nice break from the onslaught of visitors clogging the narrow two lane roads through Yosemite......and here I was bitching about the deterioration of Zion NP since I was a kid......doesn't even compare.  Tomorrow we begin "the walk."  Pray for us.  PS:  Bill you are also amazing for saving me on my resupply distribution conundrum.  So thanks again, a million times over.

Half-dome in the distance

Three Sisters

Approaching the take-out at the base of El-Cap

New Blog

So in hopes of extrapolating on my journals I am starting a blog. The hope is to go into more detail than a single photo album can allow, to share some of my adventures with friends and family living in the "real world," and to hopefully initiate some sort of dialogue on thoughts and ideas. Can't promise that I will see this through, but want to give it a shot. Keep your fingers crossed!